Norfolk: Home maintenance > Home maintenance grants & loans services
1 - 8 of 8 Home maintenance grants & loans services in Norfolk.
Breckland District Council
Grants and Loans
Learn more about housing grants available in Breckland and how to apply
Contact: Housing.
Broadland and South Norfolk
Disabled Facilities Grants (DFG)
If you are elderly or have a disability, you may be eligible for a Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) for adaptations in your home. The focus of this grant is to make changes that can enable you to remain living independent...
Contact: Broadland and South Norfolk.
Kings Lynn & West Norfolk Borough Council
Caer and Repair
Improvement Agency (HIA) for King’s Lynn, West Norfolk and Fenland. We support disabled and older people by providing a range of adaptations, repairs and equipment, promoting independent living within the home.
Contact: Services for older people.
Norfolk County Council
Making physical changes to your home
You may need to adapt or change your home if you have certain needs. For example, if you have reduced mobility, adaptions can make your home easier to live in. Adaptations can include: Ramps for a wheelchair Grab rail...
Contact: Social care.
North Norfolk District Council
Norwich City Council

Adaptations & assistance with independent living
The council seeks to provide support to people to enable them to remain living independently in their chosen home.There are a number of ways in which we can do this from installing disabled adaptations such as level acce...
Contact: Norwich Private Sector Housing, City Hall, St Peters Street, Norwich, NR2 1NH.

Dementia adaptation grants
The scheme will provide a grant of up to £2,500 for minor adaptations designed to help the individual, and their carers, cope with the challenges of living with the condition. We will ask for a letter from your GP ...
Contact: Norwich Private Sector Housing.
South Norfolk Council

Help to Stay in Your Home
There are a number of services available to help you stay in your home, including help with home adaptations and a reliable and cost effective Handyperson Service to carry out all those jobs and repairs that you never ge...
Contact: South Norfolk Help to Stay in Your Home, South Norfolk House, Cygnet Court, Long Stratton, Norwich, Norfolk, NR15 2XE.