Dementia adaptation grants

Dementia grant funding in Norwich adaptations for independent living

What does it do?

The scheme will provide a grant of up to £2,500 for minor adaptations designed to help the individual, and their carers, cope with the challenges of living with the condition. We will ask for a letter from your GP or specialist confirming that dementia has been diagnosed.

The grant can cover adaptations within the home such as:

Replacing floor coverings that cause confusion or safety issues
Replacing tiling or bathroom fittings (such as toilet seats and rails) to improve visual perception
Changing cupboards to glass fronted doors, to enable recognition of where items are in the kitchen
Changing lighting schemes to improve visibility around the home
Installing noise reduction measures
Ensuring gardens and paths are level and free from hazards.
The Dementia Scheme will not cover items that could be funded through a Disabled Facilities Grant or through Norfolk Social Care, but can be used in addition to them.

The service is carried out by the Norwich Home Improvement Team, who will allocate you a caseworker. They will act as a single point of contact for you, and can help with any queries or questions you may have.

Who it is for?

These grants are available for anyone living in Norwich who has been diagnosed with dementia and is still living in their own home

Where it is available?

Local service (Norwich).

How to access or apply for it:

Assessments for dementia grant funding can be arranged via the city council’s home improvement team’s online referral form or alternatively you can call the team directly on 0344 980 3333.


Info last updated:
