Help to Stay in Your Home
Help to to repair, improve, maintain or adapt your homeWhat does it do?
There are a number of services available to help you stay in your home, including help with home adaptations and a reliable and cost effective Handyperson Service to carry out all those jobs and repairs that you never get round to doing.
If you have a complaint about the condition of your rented accommodation, you are having problems with your landlord or you would like to report an empty property, find out more.
Home adaptations
Disabled Facilities Grant
If you are an older person or disabled, you may be entitled to a Disabled Facilities Grant for home adaptations. Grants are means-tested and are available to both tenants and homeowners.
Adaptations need to have been recommended by an Occupational Therapist, these include improving:
- Access to and from your home
- Access to the principal family room
- Access to or providing a bedroom
- Access to or providing bathing facilities
- Safety in your home
- Facilities for the preparation and cooking of food
- Movement around your home so you are able to care for someone else who lives with you.
If you own your property you are responsible for the maintenance of the adaptation(s).
For tenants, you will need to check that your landlord will allow the adaptation(s) and if they are prepared to maintain the changes on your behalf.
Handyperson Service
Older and vulnerable residents: Supported by our Independent Living Team, we are able to provide subsidised rates for our older and vulnerable residents including up to two hours free labour on a means-tested benefit.
Who it is for?
People over the age of 60 and those with disabilities or long term ill health.
Where it is available?
What it costs:
0808 168 5227 for South Norfolk residents and 01603 430598 for Broadland residents
Applying for a grant
To apply for a Disabled Facilities Grant to help towards the cost of making changes to your home, call us on 0808 168 5227
Handyperson Service
For full details of costs and to see if you are eligible for our free or discounted services, please email us or call 0808 168 2000.
How to access or apply for it:
See contact details above
Info last updated: