Summer Wise

Getting through a heat wave


Being Winter Wise

According to our 2015 poll around one-third of people in the UK aged 65 and over do not heat their home adequately some, most, or all of the time in winter because they worry about paying fuel bills. The implications of this can be severe. Being cold i


Healthy Living – Looking after yourself physically and mentally

We could all benefit from being healthier – and it’s never too late to start. Our bodies were made to move, and it’s a myth that getting older means an end to being active. Looking after yourself doesn’t have to mean working up a sweat or joining a gym –


Ageing Well at Home

The simple aspiration of the majority of older people is to live safely and well at home. Most older people are happy where they live. They need either no help or ‘just that little bit of help’ to stay living independently in their ordinary home. En


First Contact Schemes: Extent and Impact

FirstContact schemes are local collaborative schemes directed principally at ‘vulnerable’ people in the community. The main aim of the schemes is to ensure that people who, for whatever reason, are excluded and/or vulnerable are able to access the advice


Living with long-term health conditions

If you’re living with one or more long-term health conditions, life may be difficult at times. These are conditions that can’t be cured but can be managed with medication or other treatment – for example, diabetes, arthritis, high blood pressure and some


A strength-based approach to ageing well: the housing dimension

This Housing LIN Viewpoint no 30 explores how older people can be better linked with communities and suggests that the key is to be found in working with the strengths of individuals and communities, in order to develop new connections and build relations


Keep moving

This booklet, now published vy Versus Arthritis, provides information on what type of exercise is helpful, important and how to do it safely.


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