Extra Care Housing Models and Older Homeless People

The role of extra care housing models, intermediate care and hospital discharge arrangements in providing and accessing housing, care and support for older people who have been homeless or at risk of homelessness. Factsheet 16


Mixed Tenure in Extra Care Housing

Technical Brief intended to help housing and care providers with mixed tenure developments to anticipate and avoid some of the problems and risks inherent in mixed tenure Extra Care housing


Housing with care for later life – A literature review

This report presents a comprehensive overview of the most recent evidence related to new and emerging models of housing with care for later life. Reflecting the current emphasis on developing evidence-based policy and practice, the review focuses on prim


Extra Care Housing and older people with functional mental health problems

An overview of developing and managing Extra Care housing for people with mental health problems. It focusses on older people who have a long-standing functional Mental Health problem such as depression, schizophrenia, and anxiety as they get older. Facts


Least-use Assistive Technology in Dementia Care – Housing LIN Case Study no.3

Example of an extra care housing facility for older people with dementia, that based on a philosophy of promoting and maximising independence.


Supporting People with Dementia in Extra Care Housing: an introduction to the issues

An overview of developing and managing Extra Care Housing for people with dementia. It accompanies a video on Extra Care Housing & Dementia, available from the Housing LIN. Factsheet 14


Refurbishing or remodelling sheltered housing ; a checklist for developing extra care.

A framwork in decision making for the development of extra care housing from ordinary sheltered housing. Factsheet 10


The Challenges of Providing Extra Care Housing to People with Dementia

“Viewpoint” publication by the Housing LIN, adapted from a presentation given by Sue Garwood of Hanover HA in July 2004. It examines the feasibility of Extra Care housing being able to provide a service to people with dementia, and provides a checklist fo


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