Nomination Arrangements in Extra Care Housing
Factsheet 25 explores one question and its implications: should extra care housing be used to minimise the admission to residential care, or should a ‘balanced community’ be created, including those with only a housing need?
Medication in Extra Care Housing
Factsheet 23 is aimed at practitioners, commissioners, care services managers and housing managers in extra care housiong, an environment not specifically referred to in any guidance on the handling of medicines
Social Well-Being in Extra Care Housing
Factsheet 24 explores social well-being and how it can be promoted in extra care housing. It is aimed at those involved in commissioning, planning, providing and managing extra care housing.
Contracting Arrangements for Extra Care Housing
Factsheet 21 explores the contractual frameworks that are required in extra care housing. It looks at contracting from both purchaser and provider perspectives and provides guidance on the contractual issues in relation to housing management, support and
Catering Arrangements in Extra Care Housiong
Factsheet 22 presents the findings from a review of meals provision in extra care housing for a range of providers. It illustrates the diversity of approaches and offers guidance for meals and catering in extra care housing
Charging for Care and Support in Extra Care Housing
Factsheet 19 to inform commissioners about the range of charging options available for extra care housing, and the implications of these, so that they can make decisions appropriate to local circumstances
Dignity in Housing
This report and accompanying checklist takes a detailed look at policy and practice in relation to achieving dignity in a housing setting
Extra Care Housing Training & Workforce Competencies – Report
the report outlines a researched set of competencies which local authorities, registered social landlords (RSL), voluntary and independent sector providers of extra care housing may wish to use in defining the tasks and duties of scheme managers.