Quality & Choice for Older People’s Housing – Strategic Framework

A framework for future of housing services of older people, setting out 5 key areas. Good information and advice should be available, and services must work jointly to meet the holistic needs of older people. Services should take account of diversity and


Quality & Choice for Older People’s Housing: A Strategic Framework: Summary

Summary of joint DETR/DoH publication, which focusses on the need to address 5 key areas I.e. Diversity & Choice, Information & Advice, Flexible service provision, Quality, and Joint Working


The Housing Corporation’s definitions of Housing Association supported housing and housing for older people

The purpose of the definitions is to enable housing associations to categorise their housing for rent as either general needs housing, supported housing or housing for older people within the Housing Corporation’s regulatory, data collection (accounts, RS


Best Value in housing

Describes what best value is about, and what local authorities are required to do


Best Value in Housing : a guide for tenants and residents

Information for Council tenants and leaseholders about Best Value


Quality and Choice for Older People’s Housing: A Strategic Framework – The Story So Far

An update of progress made against the actions set for Government in Quality and Choice for Older People’s Housing: A Strategic Framework; & a brief over view of other work undertaken and in progress by Government that are contributing to the wider aims o