Evidencing the case for FirstStop Advice for Older People

The Cambridge Centre for Housing and Planning Research (CCHPR) is evaluating the FirstStop service. This paper reflects on the achievements of the service between 1st April 2011 and end of March 2012.


Helping older people choose the right home for them: An introduction to the costs and benefits of providing advice and support

Outlines five models of support and advice offered to older people which help them consider where they want to live and implement their choices. Models are: 1. Crossroads Care’s Homeshare service 2. Redbridge Council’s ‘Free Space’ 3. FirstStop’s l


FirstStop Moving Home Service

Every situation is unique. We tailor our service to reflect your specific requirements. Flexible – we do as much or as little as you want, including facilitating disposal, sale or recycling of unwanted items.


Housing choices in later life: A self training guide

This self training guide is for people of all ages who, through paid or voluntary work, regularly meet older people who may be thinking about their housing and care options. It may also be useful if you are thinking about your own later life housing and c


Homeshare – Good Practice Guide 2011

the key facts for policy-makers – how might the UK unlock the potential for Homeshare to become mainstream? The key facts for commissioners to help ordinary people to contribute . A detailed guide for those developing and implementing Homesare. Practice e


Live safely and well at home

This updated brochure, previously titled ‘A fresh approach to later life’, explains how FirstStop Advice can help you explore your housing and care options and how to fund and pay for accommodation or services you need. Sections include Inside FirstSto


Advising older people about their housing choices in later life: A self training module for advisers

Whilst most older people wish to stay in their existing home, a growing number are considering the possibility of moving. This course will enable advisers to offer older people information and advice about their housing and support options. This module


Housing and care options for older people

An introduction to services that can help older people live more comfortably or independently at home, and the options available to those who decide to move in later life. It is written for older people who rent their current homes as well as those who ar


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