Avoiding scams: Smart ways to protect yourself

We use the word ‘scam’ to indicate a dishonest or fraudulent scheme designed to cheat someone. It could be anything from buying products or services, to making investments or becoming involved in apparently failsafe business propositions. This guide expla


Staying safe – Personal security at home and out and about

It’s important that we feel safe in our homes, yet more accidents happen at home than anywhere else. We’ve put together this leaflet to help you do a safety check of your home. By working through the checklists, you should be able to identify and resolve


Sheltered housing: Renting for people who may be considered a low priority

Ideas for people looking to rent sheltered or retirement housing but who may not have priority with the local council or Choice Besed Lettings arrangement.


Paying for Care and Park Homes

A summary of considerations applicable to people who live in park homes (‘mobile homes’) when it comes to paying for care.


Leading independent lives as we grow older (FS24)

A factsheet intended to help anyone approaching advancing years to think about what measures might be taken to anticipate or prevent problems in later life with the ultimate aim of enabling you to remain in control of your life and stay as independent as


Live safely and well at home

This updated brochure, previously titled ‘A fresh approach to later life’, explains how FirstStop Advice can help you explore your housing and care options and how to fund and pay for accommodation or services you need. Sections include Inside FirstSto


Housing Options – Your housing choices, advice for older people

Many people find that they start to think more about where they live as they grow older. You may be happy staying just where you are, but could do with some support to make life easier. Do you need repairs or adaptations to your home to be able to continu


Older People’s Housing and Under-Occupancy

In the UK, around 520,000 households live in overcrowded conditions and 90,000 live in temporary accommodation. As house prices boom, many find themselves unable to afford family-sized homes, and the meagre supply of new housing lags behind household grow


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