Enabling Older People to Live Safely & Well at Home: A self training module for health, care & support staff

This self training module is for people who visit older people at home eg. health care staff, care workers, hospital visitors and voluntary sector to give general advice on a range of topics. It will help you to develop your knowledge and skills by inc


Good Housing Design – Lighting: A practical guide to improving lighting in existing homes

Better lighting at home can make a dramatic difference to people’s lives. This Good Practice Guide explains how to improve lighting to meet the needs of people with sight loss. It will be useful to anyone supporting others to live independently in the


If only I had known… Integration of housing help into a hospital setting

This report provides information about policy drivers which support the integration of housing help into a hospital setting will illustrative practice examples and cost benefit analysis of individual cases where housing improvements have saved health and


If only I had known…. An evaluation of the local hospital linked pilot projects

This report provides evidence and information about local pilot projects which have been pioneering the integration of housing help into a hospital setting.


Helping older people choose the right home for them: An introduction to the costs and benefits of providing advice and support

Outlines five models of support and advice offered to older people which help them consider where they want to live and implement their choices. Models are: 1. Crossroads Care’s Homeshare service 2. Redbridge Council’s ‘Free Space’ 3. FirstStop’s l


Lending some comfort: Funding for repairs and adaptations

Examines the role of home improvement agencies in assisting their clients to fund repairs, adaptations and improvements to their homes using a variety of possible routes.


Connecting with health and care

Looks at the work of home improvement agencies in relation to health and social care, argues for the importance of preventative services, looks at what the personalisation agenda means for those delivering and receiving services, and considers what home i


Future HIA project – Connecting with health and care

A look at the work of Home Improvement Agencies in relation to health and social care services, with examples of existing good practice from around the country.


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