If you’re feeling lonely

Most of us will feel lonely at some point but there are some experiences common in older age that can make it more likely. Independent Age’s new advice guide suggests things you could try which could help to reduce loneliness, as well as information ab


Living Longer, Living Well in Warwickshire: Adding value to people’s lives

Written by Elizabeth Phillips, MBE, Chief Executive of Age UK Warwickshire, and Danaë Sheridan, Chair of the Warwickshire Older People’s Forum, this blog for the Housing LIN sets out how the Third Sector in Warwickshire are working in partnership with sta


A New Model of Care Centred around Home Improvement Agencies

In this blog for the Housing LIN, David Herring, formerly Head of Housing and Development at Papworth Trust, calls for HIAs to be better equipped to make the case for housing being recognised as an important part of the local health and social care econom


Prescription for Success – How housing can make the economic case to health

Prescription for Success is a new guide which aims to transform housing associations’ offer to health, enabling them to build a robust business case to commissioners and become a crucial part of the future of the NHS. Through developing innovative comm


Key Findings from the Supporting People Health Pilots Evaluation

Findings from the research team from the School for Policy Studies at the University of Bristol from an evaluation of Supporting People Health Pilots commissioned by the ODPM


Supporting People for Better Health: A Guide to Partnership Working

The ODPM, now DCLG commissioned a research team from the School for Policy Studies at the University of Bristol to undertake an evaluation of Supporting People Health Pilots.


Patient Information Publications

Database including a directory of self-help groups, patient groups & other organisations involved in health related matters. It contains a large number of patient information leaflets about all aspects of health & treatment. UK GPs and practice nurses use


Health & Social Care Guide for Wales

What can be expected of Health & Social Care Services in Wales, and how to get further information


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