Care Quality Commission

The Care Quality Commission monitors, inspect and regulates health and social care services in England, and publish what it finds including ratings to help people choose care. Its websites provides more detail of how it fulfils its responsbilities.


When I get Older

This is a report based on a MORI survey of older people in homes that was commissioned by the Commission for Social Care Inspection for it’s launch on 1st April 2004. It looks at what people want from social care services as they get older, and has a numb


Social Care Factsheet

Explanation of the term “social care”. It also describes the role of the new single Inspectorate for Social Care (CSCI) in England, set up in April 2004. It combines the former work of thev Social Services Inspectorate (SSI), the SSI/Audit Commission join


The Care Commission website

This is the website for the Scottish Commission for the Regulation of Care (The Care Commission), which is a national organisation set up under the Regulation of Care (Scotland) Act 2001to regulate and inspect Scottish Care Services


NHS continuing healthcare and NHS funded nursing care (Factsheet 20)

This factsheet explains what NHS continuing healthcare (NHS CHC) is, the process for deciding whether you are eligible to receive it and what to do if you are unhappy with the decision reached. It also explains NHS-funded nursing care – the NHS’s financia


Health Services: Understanding your rights to healthcare

This guide aims to help you get the help you need if you feel ill. It tells you what NHS services are available and how to find them, as well as providing practical advice on the best ways to get the treatment you need.


NHS Services and Older People

Information on the kind of services that are available from the National Health Service (NHS) through General Practitioners (GPs -family doctors).


NHS Funding for Continuing Care

Examines the system of eligibility for NHS continuing care funding, and problems that have arisen.


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