In your lifetime: A vision of housing, care and support for an ageing society

The National Housing Federation and its members share a vision of housing, support and care that enhances older people’s ability to live independently for as long as possible. We share a vision of support and care services, which are flexible in their del


Advising older people about their care choices in later life: A self training module for advisers

This self training module is for people who give general advice on a range of topics e.g. money, housing, services, and who wish to be able to advise older people about their care choices in later life. Its aim is to enable advisers to develop their kn


A Better Life: Alternative approaches from a service user perspective. Shaping our Lives

Report on a small-scale consultation with service users and disabled people


A Better Life: Alternative approaches from the perspective of families and carers of older people with high support needs

Draws on case studies from Counsel and Care’s advice service to highlight issues raised by carers of older people with high support needs. Explore how residential care and extra care housing could be improved


A Better Life – Innovation and better lives for older people with high support needs: international good practice

Innovative ideas and suggestions already in circulation in the UK and globally that would contribute to better lives for older people with support needs


Social Care – Choosing the Right Service for You

Advice and information for people who need care, their families and carers. It includes financial aspects and role of local authorities in undertaking assessments of need.


Guide to Procuring Care and Support Services

Guide designed to help non-procurement professionals who need to procure (or pruchase) services for older people who need care and support. It is particularly relevant for local authority staff and for other public bodies.


Care Services Inquiry Interim Report : concerns about care for older Londoners

This is an interim report of a research study looking into public concerns about the availability, quality, and appropriateness of care services for London’s diverse older population


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