Care Act 2014, Factsheet 5: charging and financial assessments

“All councils should have transparent charging policies… service users, carers and the public should understand the purpose of local charging policies and the criteria used to determine levels of charging for particular services.” This factsheet descri


Care Act 2014, Factsheet 2: who is entitled to public care and support?

“For far too long people’s needs assessments have been driven by the service on offer or that can be provided in a particular area… such an approach fails to recognise the richness and complexity of people’s lives and fails to support or promote truly per


Care Act 2014, Factsheet 3: assessing needs and determining eligibility

“…A move to outcome and needs based assessment would put the individual and their views, needs and wishes at the centre of the work, as the setting of outcomes is both a personal and subjective process.” This factsheet describes how the Act and support


Care Act 2014, Factsheet 1: general responsibilities of local authorities: prevention, information and advice, and shaping the market of care and support services

“Information, information, information – without it, how can people be truly at the heart of decisions? Information should be available to all regardless of how their care is paid for. There are some things that should be universal – information is one.”


EAC FirstStop Home from Hospital Tool

An online resource designed to inform you of the support and assistance that may be available to you following a stay in hospital.


FirstStop: Advice for older people

A 1/4 A4, 2 sided, promotional flyer about FirstStop Advice. Flags 3 main advice areas – housing, care and finance: – Do you need advice or information about housing or care options? – Advice about paying for care? – Information about services to help


Personal care options report

An overview of care options, intended to be combined with a bespoke care homes and/or care services listing to produce a FirstStop client ‘Care Options Report’. Contents are: 1. Thinking about moving into a care home 2. Alternatives to moving into a


Service Excellence Standards

Guide 1 For organisations working in care and support that are new to the service


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