Care Act 2014, Factsheet 12: prisoners and people in resident in approved premises
“The difficulties that older prisoners face in the physical environment have been exacerbated by social care that is described variously as variable, sparse and non-existent; there has been a deplorable absence of basic personal social care, for example f
Care Act 2014, Factsheet 10: market oversight and provider failure
“Everyone who receives care and support wants to know they will be protected if the company in charge of their care goes bust.” This factsheet describes how the Act introduces a regime to oversee the financial stability of the most hard-to-replace care
Care Act 2014, Factsheet 11: transition for children to adult care and support
“Services at transition should be aimed at moving a person into work/adult life in such a way as to promote their independence and so reduce their long term needs for care and support.” This factsheet describes how the Care Act supports people moving f
Care Act 2014, Factsheet 8: the law for carers
“The Care Bill in many respects marks a quiet revolution in our attitudes towards, and expectations of, carers. At last, carers will be given the same recognition, respect and parity of esteem with those they support. Historically, many carers have felt t
Care Act 2014, Factsheet 9: continuity of care when moving between areas
“Many disabled and older people can’t consider moving to another area because they can’t be sure that they will get equivalent levels of care and support in the new area.” This factsheet describes how the Act supports people to move between local autho
Care Act 2014, Factsheet 6: reforming how people pay for their care and support
“For the first time, individual liabilities will be limited, protecting people against the worst aspects of the current care lottery. The increase in the upper threshold for means-tested support to £123,0001 is also a boost for those with modest resources
Care Act 2014, Factsheet 7: protecting adults from abuse or neglect
“The existing legal framework for adult protection is neither systematic nor coordinated, reflecting sporadic development of safeguarding policy over the last 25 years.” This factsheet is about how the Act, for the first time, sets out a clear legal fr
Care Act 2014, Factsheet 5: charging and financial assessments
“All councils should have transparent charging policies… service users, carers and the public should understand the purpose of local charging policies and the criteria used to determine levels of charging for particular services.” This factsheet descri