Arranging for someone to make decisions about your finances or welfare (Factsheet 22)

This factsheet looks at arrangements for other people to make decisions about your welfare and finances if you lack the capacity to make those decisions yourself. It covers changes brought in by the Mental Capacity Act 2005. It includes information on


Improving services and support for older people with mental health problems

The second and final report of a UK enquiry, whose first report ‘Promoting mental health and well-being in later life’ was published in 2006.


Beyond Sheltered Accommodation : A review of extra care and care home provision for BME elders

Details information from the desk research stage of a proposed “Review of service provision for a changing, diverse older population in England : Extra care housing and care homes”.


The Whole of Me.. Meeting the needs of older lesbians, gay men and bisexuals living in care homes and extra care housing

This publication is primarily aimed at professionals working in care homes and extra care housing. It explains how to recognise and respond to everyones’s needs, and sets out clearly the type of support that lesbians, gay men and bisexual people may need.


Digital Switchover questions and answers

This briefing outlines the changes in television signals, what it means, the options, and timescales.


The whole of me . . .

This resource pack is about meeting the needs of older lesbians, gay men and bisexuals living in care homes and extra care housing. The pack sets out clearly the type of support that older lesbians, gay men and bisexuals might need and encourages managers


Your Rights at Work: A guide for people of working age

This guide covers information on employment rights and retirement, and information on how health issues and caring responsibilities can affect your employment. While it is written for employees, it also contains information relevant to agency and casual w


Civil Partnership & Older Same-Sex Couples

Explains the Civil Partnership Act 2004 which can give same-sex couples the same rights as opposite-sex couples if they register a civil partnership. It gives information about Registration, and resultant rights and responsibilities – including tax, tenan


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