Care Act 2014, Factsheet 5: charging and financial assessments

“All councils should have transparent charging policies… service users, carers and the public should understand the purpose of local charging policies and the criteria used to determine levels of charging for particular services.” This factsheet descri


Care Act 2014, Factsheet 2: who is entitled to public care and support?

“For far too long people’s needs assessments have been driven by the service on offer or that can be provided in a particular area… such an approach fails to recognise the richness and complexity of people’s lives and fails to support or promote truly per


Care Act 2014, Factsheet 3: assessing needs and determining eligibility

“…A move to outcome and needs based assessment would put the individual and their views, needs and wishes at the centre of the work, as the setting of outcomes is both a personal and subjective process.” This factsheet describes how the Act and support


Care Act 2014, Factsheet 1: general responsibilities of local authorities: prevention, information and advice, and shaping the market of care and support services

“Information, information, information – without it, how can people be truly at the heart of decisions? Information should be available to all regardless of how their care is paid for. There are some things that should be universal – information is one.”


Living Well with Dementia – A National Dementia Strategy – Accessible Summary

Summary, accessible version of the full-length National Dementia Strategy, about the Government’s plans for improving health and social care services in England for everyone with dementia and their carers


Living Well with Dementia – A National Dementia Strategy

The aim of the strategy is to ensure that significant imporvements are made to dementia services across three key areas: improved awareness, earlier diagnosis and intervention, and a higher quality of care


Telecare Implementation Guide

A practical resource for commissioners and organisations considering development of telecare services


Housing & Community Care Checklist ; summary

Guidance that local authorities and other agencies need to consider when developing housing strategies and community cale plans. It forms the basis for joint planning and working.


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