Leading independent lives as we grow older (FS24)

A factsheet intended to help anyone approaching advancing years to think about what measures might be taken to anticipate or prevent problems in later life with the ultimate aim of enabling you to remain in control of your life and stay as independent as


Finding the right home for you (FS15)

This factsheet aims to provide you with general information about the various housing options that may be available to you. You will also find guidance and suggestions on how to identify a property that may be suitable for your future needs in later l


Advice on hospital admissions and discharges (FS9)

People can only expect to remain in an NHS hospital while they are receiving medical treatment. Sometimes older people and their relatives feel unprepared for a return home or ill equipped for making more complex decisions about future care arrangements


Mutual Exchange (FS28)

A short factsheet detailing the main schemes and services that can help match you with another tenant looking for a ‘home swap’.


Points to consider when moving in with family (FS25)

Explores key considerations, including the provision of social care, leisure, financial and other matters, all from the perspective of the younger generation.


Homesharing – Sharing your home (FS27)

Homesharing matches an older person looking for a little help around the home, and comanionship, with a younger person looking for a place to live.This factsheet discusses what homesharing is, what the pros and cons are, who can help arrange it, and how t


Housing and care options for older people

An introduction to services that can help older people live more comfortably or independently at home, and the options available to those who decide to move in later life. It is written for older people who rent their current homes as well as those who ar


Returning to the UK (FS19)

A brief guide to the impact on British citizens who have lived abroad of the Habitual Residence Test, which may determine their eligibility for benefits and accommodation.


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