Buying a retirement property (FS17)

For many people, retirement and sheltered housing allows you to retain the independence of having your own front door whilst having the reassurance of additional services and assistance close by. This factsheet discusses the key things to be aware of


Equity release (FS29)

Many older people consider releasing equity in their property in order to improve their financial situation; this factsheet helps to identify the various options available and important things to consider before making such an arrangement.


Support and help for carers (FS14)

Help is available, particularly from your local authority social services department who can carry out an assessment of your needs as a carer and, subject to the outcome of that assessment and available resources, provide some support to help you in your


Choice and council funded care home placements (FS13)

Summarises the framework within which choice is available. Covers: – National guidance – Restrictions on location – What if a care home is not available at the council’s usual cost – Coosing a more expensive care home than the Council will pay for –


Benefits for people of retirement age (FS12)

This factsheet summarises the main benefits available to people in retirement from the Department of Work and Pensions or the local council.


Extra Care Housing (FS10)

Extra care housing is a form of retirement housing with personal care, meals and 24-hour support available for those that need it. Extra care housing can be rented from the council or a housing association, purchased leasehold or as shared owner-ship from


Arrangements for making decisions for other people (FS11)

This factsheet is in two parts. Part 1 looks at the main principals of the Mental Capacity Act and Part 2 the arrangements that can be put in place for other people to make decisions about your welfare and finances if you lack the mental capacity to do so


Sheltered housing: Renting for people who may be considered a low priority

Ideas for people looking to rent sheltered or retirement housing but who may not have priority with the local council or Choice Besed Lettings arrangement.


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