Developing Extra Care Housing in Cheshire through public/private finance: the PFI route

Case Study 23 examines the way Cheshire County Council have developed robust partnerships to develop Extra Care Housing and made best use of public/private finance to meet their strategic objectives.


Transforming services for older people: floating support – Broadacres Housing Association Older Persons Floating Support

Case Study 25 considers how one housing association has shifted from a traditional warden service attached to sheltered housing schemes to a floating support service. The floating support service covers the associations sheltered housing schemes as well a


Unmet Housing-Related Support Needs in Wokingham D istrict – an Investigation

Case Study 26 is based on the findings of a recent report on housing related support In Wokingham. It looks at a range of options identified to meet the gaps in meeting the housing support needs of older people and vulnerable adults and sets out key recom


Shared Equity: Using the Private Fianance Initiative to boost extra care housing

This case study explores one approach to procuring specialist forms of housing for older people and vulnerable adults, Extra Care Housing (ECH), through the Private Finance Initiative (PFI). Typically this approach enables a local authority to achieve a n


Substance Users and Supported Housing: What’s the Score – 3 reports combined: Briefing Paper, Lessons and Learning Points, Case Studies

The briefing paper is written for commissioners, providers and funders of treatment, support and housing for substance misusers. It gives an overview of the relationship between drug and alcohol service provision and the delivery of housing with support.


More Choice, Greater Voice

This document provides a toolkit for undertaking work that will support a whole system approach to planning and developing accommodation and care. It is good practice rather than mandatory and has been prepared specifically to accompany the government’s


Very Sheltered Housing in Suffolk: a design and management guids

The purpose of this Housing Design and Management Guide is to offer advice and pass on experience about Very Sheltered Housing. The Guide takes as its starting point the beginning of the design and development process. It assumes that such matters as the


A Measure of Success

Evaluation of the Department of Health’s extra care housing programme for people with learning disabilities


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