Whittons Mill, Gainsborough – Sheltered Housing Contributes to Regeneration
Case Study 15: Whitton’s Mill is an exciting development where two social purposes – regeneration and social housing for older people – have coincided to the mutual benefit of each.
A Virtual Care Village Model
Case Study 17 describes the approach Cumbria has taken in developing a more coordinated approach to delivering services to enable people to continue living in their communities. The rural nature of Cumbria has presented particular problems in developing a
Community Involvement in Planning Extra Care: the Larchwood User’s Group
Case Study 18: the Coldean Extra Care Users’ Group brings together as a core consultation group representatives of local people in the Coldean district of Brighton and Hove who have an interest in the replacement of a former council residential home by a
BME Older People’s Joint Service Initiative – Analysis and Evaluation of Current Strategies
Case Study 20 is a summary of the full Report on Health, Housing and Social Services Policies in Sheffield towards BME older people, partly funded by the Housing LIN
Durham Integrated Team
Case Study 19 is a practical guide to help managers in social care, health (primary care) and housing to develop integrated teams and improve services.
The Generation Project: A sure start for older people in Manchester
Case Study 22 draws on the work of Manchester Care & Repair and makes the link with work on social inclusion and involving older people in the regeneration of areas of Manchester.
Estimation Future Requirements for Extra Care Housing in Swindon
Case Study 21 shows how one Unitary Authority has developed and utilised a tool to help inform a strategy for housing, support and care for older people.
Commissioning an Extra Care Scheme from Social Services’ Perspective – Leicester City Council – from needs analysis to start on site
Case Study 24 describes the process that Leicester City Council and its partners, Hanover Housing Association, went through to achieve success in its bid to the Department of Health Extra Care Fund and the Housing Corporation for capital grants.