Private Sector Provision of Extra Care Housing

The private sector has had an involvement in the provision of extra care housing for at least 20 years. This fact sheet is intended to help statutory authorities commissioning extra care housing and private developers work together with a better understan


Models of Extra Care & Retirement Communities

Explanation of extra care housing, as housing & care provision, buildings, lettings, tenure.


‘Least-use’ Assistive Technology in Extra Care

Case study of an extra care scheme – Rowan Court, Eastleigh, Hampshire. An example of provision of an extra care facility for older people with dementia, based on a philosophy of promoting and maximising independence.


Extra Care Strategic Developments in North Yorkshire – Housing LIN Case Study no.1

A snapshot view of partnership-based strategic planning for extra care in North Yorkshire, highlighting the variety of issues that need consideration in a large and mostly rural area. One recent scheme and one in progress are described.


Extra Care Strategic Developments in East Sussex – Housing LIN Case Study no.2

Some of the key issues involved in partnership-based strategic planning for extra care in East Sussex. A small conversion from sheltered housing and a larger new scheme catering for a range of use. Different management models are briefly discussed.


Developing and implementing Local Extra Care Housing Strategies

The guide is designed to help local authorities develop a strategy with regard to Extra Care housing


New Provision for Older People with Learning Disabilities

An introduction to the characteristics and needs of an emerging group to be provided for in developing new housing and services for older people. This includes extra care. Fzctsheet 3


Commissioning & Funding Extra Care Housing

Summary of essential facts about commissioning extra care and other housing based solutions for care. Most important facts about funding, what is involved, who has to be involved and how long projects can take. Factsheet 2


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