An introduction to Ageing in Rural Areas and Extra Care Housing

Introduction to the issues facing Extra Care Housing in rural communities. It highlights the ageing of rural populations and the pressures this places on commissioners of housing with care for older people. Facthseet 12


Extra Care Housing Models and Older Homeless People

The role of extra care housing models, intermediate care and hospital discharge arrangements in providing and accessing housing, care and support for older people who have been homeless or at risk of homelessness. Factsheet 16


Funding in Extra Care Housing

Overview of the principal ways Extra Care Housing developments are financed, reviewing sources of capital funding, modelling of a scheme’s economic viability, and revenue funding


Mixed Tenure in Extra Care Housing

Technical Brief intended to help housing and care providers with mixed tenure developments to anticipate and avoid some of the problems and risks inherent in mixed tenure Extra Care housing


Care in Extra Care Housing

Technical Brief that outlines some of the variations and common features, to highlight areas of good practice and provide practical pointers in determining the characteristics and staffing levels of the care service in Extra Care Housing


Extra Care Housing and older people with functional mental health problems

An overview of developing and managing Extra Care housing for people with mental health problems. It focusses on older people who have a long-standing functional Mental Health problem such as depression, schizophrenia, and anxiety as they get older. Facts


Health Risks & Health Inequalities in Housing: an Assessment Tool

This is a tool designed to assess the health risks of housing and the residential environment at the scale of a neighbourhood, housing stock, or administrative area. For each health risk, the tool enables a judgement to be recorded about the level of heal


Thinking about a move : Think about extra care sheltered

Information for people thinking about moving to extra care sheltered housing


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