Housing options

If you’re thinking of moving, the different types of housing on offer can be confusing. This factsheet describes the main housing options open to older people and things to consider before making your choice.


Using direct payments or a personal budget

This factsheet is relevant to you if you have had a care needs assessment, qualify for council support and social services are arranging your care. Your personal budget is the amount of money that the council has calculated is needed to meet your socia


Pension Credit

About four million older people are entitled to receive Pension Credit to top up their retirement income, yet just under half of those eligible are not claiming it, or are not claiming the right amount. If you think you might be missing out, this factshee


Council Tax Support and Housing Benefit

This factsheet explains what may be available to help you pay your Council Tax and your rent.


Moving abroad

This factsheet explains how moving abroad could affect your pension and entitlement to benefits and health care, and what action you can take. This factsheet is aimed at British citizens leaving England.


Getting help at home: Ways to stay independent

If you’re looking for some help to stay independent in your own home, there are services, gadgets and equipment that you might benefit from.


Extra help with essential costs if you’re on a low income

If your income is low, it can be hard to meet unexpected essential costs. You might be able to get help with some of these expenses from your local council, the government’s Social Fund or a charity grant. This factsheet explains some of the options, w


Hospital stays

This factsheet covers what should happen before, during and after your hospital stay, and how you can prepare for it. Information about processes and your rights refers to NHS hospitals, unless otherwise stated.


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