Board Assurance Prompt – specialised housing for older people
This report from Housing LIN in partnership with Nigel Appleton of Contact Consulting and the GGI (Good Governance Institute) focuses on the role of technology within sheltered and supported housing schemes to assist older people. It aims to encourage
Assistive technology as a means of supporting people with dementia: A Review
To coincide with the Housing LIN’s involvement in the Prime Minister’s challenge on dementia, we have published this helpful review of how AT can support people with dementia. Co-authored by Tahir Idris and Steve Bonner, they indicate that awareness of th
A Virtual Care Village Model
Case Study 17 describes the approach Cumbria has taken in developing a more coordinated approach to delivering services to enable people to continue living in their communities. The rural nature of Cumbria has presented particular problems in developing a
Switched on to Telecare: Providing health and care support through home-based telecare monitoring in the UK and the US
Report on a conference session at the 10th World Mulit-Conferene on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, July 2006, Orlando, Florida, USA