Housing Ombudsman Service

Information about this service which deals with complaints from residents (or their representatives) about Registered Social Landlords, and private landlords that are registered with the service


The Housing Corporation’s definitions of Housing Association supported housing and housing for older people

The purpose of the definitions is to enable housing associations to categorise their housing for rent as either general needs housing, supported housing or housing for older people within the Housing Corporation’s regulatory, data collection (accounts, RS


Choice Based Lettings

Describes the new approach to allocation of social housing properties, placing the initiative with the customer (new or existing tenants to search information about available properties & express interest. The Government has set targets – 25% of local aut


Health & Social Care Guide for Wales

What can be expected of Health & Social Care Services in Wales, and how to get further information


The Social Fund, Advances of Benefit and Local Welfare Provision (Factsheet 49)

The Social Fund is a scheme to help people with expenses that are difficult to meet from a low income. It covers Funeral Payments, Cold Weather Payments, Winter Fuel Payments and Sure Start Maternity Grants. Advances of Benefit are a form of payment on


Commission for Social Care Inspectorate : People & Processes

This describes the role of the Commission for Social Care Inspectorate, outlines it’s corporate structure, and the people & processes through which it will communicate with social care providers


The commission & it’s work with people who use social services

Information about the role of the Commission for Social Care Inspection (CSCI), and what it will mean to people who use social services


Care Quality Commission

The Care Quality Commission monitors, inspect and regulates health and social care services in England, and publish what it finds including ratings to help people choose care. Its websites provides more detail of how it fulfils its responsbilities.


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