Make the most of your sight: Improve the lighting in your home

Explains good practice by giving ideas, hints and tips on how to light your home effectively with different types of household and task lighting, and the potential benefits for people experiencing sight loss. At the end of the guide you will find details


Helping visually impaired people in their homes: assistive technology

Findings of a project, commissioned by Thomas Pocklington Trust, that aimed to determine the needs of visually impaired people. This comprised surveys of user needs and existing assistive technology, and a gap analysis. It found a wide range of available


The housing and support needs of older people with visual impairment

Findings of research commissioned by Thomas Pocklington Trust, who engaged researchers from University College London and Bristol University to examine the housing and support needs of 400 people aged 55 years plus. Findings included little professional r


Advice on Eyecare

Information about the importance of eye care and description of some common eye conditions affecting older people. Compiled from information provided by Optomise Eyecare


Pension Credit

Pension Credit, is a means-tested benefit for older people who have a relatively low income and have reached the qualifying age. Because it is means-tested, your personal circumstances and the level of your income, savings and any other capital determi


Attendance Allowance: how to make an effective claim

This factsheet is about Attendance Allowance (AA), a benefit paid by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) to people who have reached State Pension age who need help with personal care because of a disability or a health problem, such as sight loss.



Guidelines on producing printed materials that are accessible to people who are blind or partially sighted


Getting on: A quick reference guide to services for people with a visual impairment

Information about the services for sight impaired people, and how to access them. Includes needs assessment, money, housing, consumer services, transport, leisure etc


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