Resident v. Non-Resident Scheme Managers, Managing a Change

Report of a day workshop held by and for practicioners looking at good practice where the nature, scope and delivery of warden and management services to residents is planned to change and how ‘best’ to implement that change.


Good Neighbour or Professional: The grey areas in the Scheme Managers role

Report of a day workshop held by and for professionals examining the ‘grey areas’ in the job roles of scheme managers of sheltered housing as experienced by themselves, and a suggested Guide for Good Practice.


Sheltered Housing Workbook

HQN sheltered housing workbook asks the sort of questions that the Housing Inspectorate is likely to raise during a Best Value (BV) inspection, and has been updated to include the Supporting People programme which will be incorporated into BV reviews. The


Information & Communication Technology and Residents of Sheltered Housing

A report of a day workshop held by and for practicioners to examine how sheltered housing can offer a stimulating environment wherein ICT may be introduced to older people. The Report gives brief outlines of 6 case study projects presented to the worksho


Extra Care Strategic Developments in East Sussex – Housing LIN Case Study no.2

Some of the key issues involved in partnership-based strategic planning for extra care in East Sussex. A small conversion from sheltered housing and a larger new scheme catering for a range of use. Different management models are briefly discussed.


Guide to User Involvement for Organisations Providing Housing Related Support Services.

Summary of an ODPM publication that promotes the involvement of service users in all aspects of housing related support services. It describes how opportunities for user involvement can be developed, promotes good practice and gives examples of these. It


Extra Care Housing. What is it?

Essential basic information about extra care housing, explains the various forms of this type of housing, describes the key ingredients and the central principles.


Action on Sheltered Housing – A Checklist for Social Services

A checklist for Social Services about sheltered housing that aims to improve joint working, by raising awareness of the potential benefits. Outline information about sheltered housing, together with a checklist of key questions for social services departm


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