Viewpoint 19: Downsizing for older people into Specialist Accommodation

This Housing LIN Viewpoint no19 makes the case for encouraging more providers to create attractive specialist schemes, and for encouraging more people to move into them, to “stay younger longer”. It considers the considerable challenges and the opportunit


A Guide to Making Complaints for Sheltered Housing Residents

Sheltered housing includes a range of different models of accommodation and support. The changing and increasing expectations of older people, and the age and nature of some sheltered housing, mean that those models need to be able to adapt to different r


Housing and care options for older people

An introduction to services that can help older people live more comfortably or independently at home, and the options available to those who decide to move in later life. It is written for older people who rent their current homes as well as those who ar


Continuing Care Retirement Communities : A guide to planning

This guide is designed to be of practical assistance to those involved in the planning and development of extra care housing. It looks briefly at demographics, market research, feasibility studies, option appraisal, tenure, planning policy issues, plannin


Living at Hartrigg Oaks : residents views of the UK’s first continuing care retirement community

This report draws on the experience of the residents, including their reasons for moving there, the location, community, amenities, satisfaction etc.


Preventative Care: the Role of Sheltered / Retirement Housing

This paper by the Sussex Gerontology Network of the University of Sussex makes the case for seeing sheltered/retirement housing in the context of the ‘preventative’ agenda. Prepared as a discussion paper for their workshop in April 2006.


Making the Case for Retirement Villages

Retirement villages are a relatively new type of provision in the UK. Using the authors own research and other studies, the report reviews evidence to date on the impact of retirement villages. There are several key themes including – the potential for th


Planning for Retirement Housing

Good practice guide, with recommendations, for those involved in the planning and development of retirement housing


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