Resident Consultation Service
A Resident Consultation Service which engages residents of all forms of housing for later life via a stimulating card game. The reports to housing providers give clear feedback of how residents view their facilities and services.
Tenancy Issues: Surviving Partners in Extra Care Housing
The development of tenancy agreements for couples in Extra Care Housing, based on the experience of an Extra Care project in Southampton
‘Least-use’ Assistive Technology in Extra Care
Case study of an extra care scheme – Rowan Court, Eastleigh, Hampshire. An example of provision of an extra care facility for older people with dementia, based on a philosophy of promoting and maximising independence.
Implementing Supporting People: A Guide for Support Providers
The Guide reflects current understanding of Supporting People. The main details of the policy are now clear and the Guide covers them. However, at the time of writing, there are still a few areas where the full details are not clear, such as charging. Hen
Support Plan – A Good Practice Guide
This model Support Plan is a tool for working with a service user in a sheltered housing context. It also enables temporary staff to become aware of the aspirations and expectations of service users with the view of maintaining a consistency of service.
Domicillary Care
A good practice guide on domicillary care for sheltered housing staff
Resident Participation in Health & Social Care Provision
Report of a workshop held to discuss how the residents of sheltered housing might have a greater say in the type and level of support and care available within their scheme and the manner of its provision. 3 case studies plus the key areas of good practic
What Future the Resident Warden?
A Report based on a workshop run at the CIH National Sheltered Housing Conference in August 2002 where delegates were asked to consider in groups the advantages and disadvantages of Resident staff from the perspective of Tenants, Wardens/Scheme managers a