Banking for People who lack capacity to make decisions
This document will help if a person is managing the financial and property affairs of someone who may lack capacity to look after some or all aspects of their own financial affairs. It gives guidance on how a bank account can be opened and money managed o
How will the new law on age discrimination affect you?
On 1st October 2006 new legislation (The Employment Equality (Age) Regulations 2006) will come into force in the UK. It will provide protection against age discrimination in employment and education for people of all ages. This gives an overview of the pr
Making Decisions about your health, welfare or finance: Who decides when you can’t?
A guide for people who wish to prepare for possible future mental incapacity. It explains what the law says about mental incapacity, how decisions should be made on financial, health and other matters, the role of doctors, lawyers and where to get expert
Protection of Vulnerable Adults Scheme in England & Wales for care homes & domiciliary agencies: Frequently Asked Questions
Department of Health responses to frequently asked questions about the POVA scheme, to protect vulnerable adults in care homes or in receipt of domiciliary care
Protection of Vulnerable Adults Scheme in England & Wales for Care Homes & Domiciliary Care Agencies: A Practical Guide – including changes to the requirement for Criminal Records Bureau Disclosures in certain circumstan
The Protection of Vulnerable Adults (POVA) Scheme became operational in July 2004 with respect to services regulated under the Care Standards Act. The scheme provides for a list of people who are considered unsuitable to work with vulnerable adults. This