Delivering Housing for an Ageing Population: informing housing strategies and housing policies

This guide is intended for housing commissioners and providers, and examines what type of housing is needed for an ageing population


Older People’s Housing Strategies: Key Policy Drivers

This examines the relationship between the housing agenda and the agenda for older age. It explores the ways in which any gaps at national level are affecting and influencing regional strategies and local policies and implementation. It is intended for us


Now you see me . . now you don’t. How are older citizens being included in regeneration?

An rexamination of how older people are faring in 2003 following a report in 2000 called “Overlooked and Excluded”. It updates understanding on how older people benefit from and are involved in regeneration and identifies policy and practice themes where


Preventive Approaches in Housing: An Exploration of Good Practice

The report uses a case strudy approach to look at how particular organisations have responded to the growing need for preventative services under thematic headings, draws examples of good practice and describes the main barriers to and issues around the d


Opening up the Resources of Sheltered Housing to the Wider Community

Guide examining the issues around expanding the reach and scope of sheltered housing schemes to meet the housing and care needs of the wider community.


Implementing Supporting People: A Guide for Support Providers

The Guide reflects current understanding of Supporting People. The main details of the policy are now clear and the Guide covers them. However, at the time of writing, there are still a few areas where the full details are not clear, such as charging. Hen