Key Findings from the Supporting People Health Pilots Evaluation

Findings from the research team from the School for Policy Studies at the University of Bristol from an evaluation of Supporting People Health Pilots commissioned by the ODPM


Supporting People for Better Health: A Guide to Partnership Working

The ODPM, now DCLG commissioned a research team from the School for Policy Studies at the University of Bristol to undertake an evaluation of Supporting People Health Pilots.


Valuing Older People – The Mayor of London’s Older People Strategy

This Strategy sets out the Mayor’s vision of a London where older people have choice and control over their lives.


The Whole of Me.. Meeting the needs of older lesbians, gay men and bisexuals living in care homes and extra care housing

This publication is primarily aimed at professionals working in care homes and extra care housing. It explains how to recognise and respond to everyones’s needs, and sets out clearly the type of support that lesbians, gay men and bisexual people may need.


Housing for Older People from the Chinese Community in Middlesbrough

Housing LIN case study no 11 – Example of a local community development partnership between a housing association and a Chines community association, involving housing for older people, a community centre and retail/business space


Older People’s Housing Strategies: Key Policy Drivers

This examines the relationship between the housing agenda and the agenda for older age. It explores the ways in which any gaps at national level are affecting and influencing regional strategies and local policies and implementation. It is intended for us


Strategic Moves: thinking, planning and working differently

CD Rom and Workbook – Strategic Commissioning for Older People’s Services. Workbook designed to help partnerships develop better commissioning to fit the outcomes they want to achieve. It builds on ‘Preparing older people’s and housing strategies’ ODPM an


Supporting People with Dementia in Sheltered Housing

The experience of a Dementia Services Advisor working for Housing 21. Case study 9


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