Returning to England from abroad

This factsheet explains how to claim benefits and apply for housing, health and care services if you return to England from abroad. This factsheet is aimed at British nationals who have reached or are nearing retirement age.


Benefits for people of retirement age (FS12)

This factsheet summarises the main benefits available to people in retirement from the Department of Work and Pensions or the local council.


Income withdrawal – a retirement option for you?

This is aimed at people who are approaching or who have reached retirement age, have a pension fund and want to take a tax free lump sum or start drawing an income from it. It explains how income withdrawal works, the advantages and disadvantages, how to


Can I afford to retire?

For most of us, having the standard of living we want in retirement will depend on making our money work for us as effectively as possible. In this guide we look at some of the main questions you need to consider as you approach retirement age. As you may


Retiring Soon – what you need to do about your pensions

This sets out retirement entitlements, and covers how pension funds are converted into pension income, how to trace old pensions, & where to get further help.


Pick it up. It’s yours.

Information about Pension Credit – eligibility, rates and how to apply for it.


Pension Credit

Pension Credit, is a means-tested benefit for older people who have a relatively low income and have reached the qualifying age. Because it is means-tested, your personal circumstances and the level of your income, savings and any other capital determi


The Pension Credit – questions and answers

A summary of the main features of Pensions Credit, which was introduced on October 2003. It covers the 2 parts, I.e. Guarantee credit, and Savings credit


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