Civil Partnership & Older Same-Sex Couples

Explains the Civil Partnership Act 2004 which can give same-sex couples the same rights as opposite-sex couples if they register a civil partnership. It gives information about Registration, and resultant rights and responsibilities – including tax, tenan


Older same-sex couples and benefits

Information about the Civil Partnership Act 2004, effective from 5th December 2005, which can give same-sex couples legal recognition for their relationship. By registering a civil partnership, a same-sex couple can have the same rights as opposite-sex co


Extra Care Strategic Developments in North Yorkshire – Housing LIN Case Study no.1

A snapshot view of partnership-based strategic planning for extra care in North Yorkshire, highlighting the variety of issues that need consideration in a large and mostly rural area. One recent scheme and one in progress are described.


Extra Care Strategic Developments in East Sussex – Housing LIN Case Study no.2

Some of the key issues involved in partnership-based strategic planning for extra care in East Sussex. A small conversion from sheltered housing and a larger new scheme catering for a range of use. Different management models are briefly discussed.