FirstStop Evaluation: National & Local Findings, June 2011

This report summarises the findings of an evaluation of the FirstStop information and advice service for older people conducted by the University of Cambridge. This particular report considers the successes of and challenges faced by the initiative


Approaching Retirement: A guide to tax and National Insurance contributions

This leaflet covers in general terms what most people might want to know as they start their retirement. Broadly, how much tax you pay depends on your income.


NHS Choices

Information about all Social Care services in the country, enabling anyone to find a their nearest local social care services


Domiciliary Care National Minimum Standards : Regulations

The criteria on which domiciliary care agencies (including LA provision & NHS Trusts) are assessed. Domiciliary care agencies provide personal care to people in their own homes, and they need to meet the required standards.


Social Care Factsheet

Explanation of the term “social care”. It also describes the role of the new single Inspectorate for Social Care (CSCI) in England, set up in April 2004. It combines the former work of thev Social Services Inspectorate (SSI), the SSI/Audit Commission join


Getting help at home: Ways to stay independent

If you’re looking for some help to stay independent in your own home, there are services, gadgets and equipment that you might benefit from.


Care Homes for Older People – National Minimum Standards

This sets out the national Minimum Stards for care homes for older people, which form the basis on which the National Care Standards Commission will determine whether care homes are meeting the needs of their residents


National Service Framework for Older People

This sets out the 8 priority standards for the health & delivery of health care, i.e. Rooting out age discrimination, Person-centred care, Intermediate care, General hospital care, Strokes, Falls, Mental Health, & Promotion of health and active life. Thes