Housing options for older people in Cambridgeshire
An introduction to services that can help older people live more comfortably or independently at home, and the options available to those who decide to move in later life. It is written for older people who rent their current homes as well as those who ar
Developing integrated, impartial information and advice about housing and related care and finance: A guide for commissioners
This guide is based on the experience of EAC FirstStop working with local FirstStop partners. It offers commissioners model clauses which can be used in specifications describing services providing housing and related care and finance advice for people in
A strength-based approach to ageing well: the housing dimension
This Housing LIN Viewpoint no 30 explores how older people can be better linked with communities and suggests that the key is to be found in working with the strengths of individuals and communities, in order to develop new connections and build relations
Benefits for people of retirement age (FS12)
This factsheet summarises the main benefits available to people in retirement from the Department of Work and Pensions or the local council.
FirstStop Evaluation: National & Local Findings, June 2011
This report summarises the findings of an evaluation of the FirstStop information and advice service for older people conducted by the University of Cambridge. This particular report considers the successes of and challenges faced by the initiative
FirstStop Evaluation: The Local Partnerships, June 2011
This report details the findings of an evalutaion conducted by the University of Cambridge of the local projects of the FirstStop information and advice service for older people.
Housing and care options for older people
An introduction to services that can help older people live more comfortably or independently at home, and the options available to those who decide to move in later life. It is written for older people who rent their current homes as well as those who ar
Whose Market? Understanding the demand for extra care housing: a strategic approach
This report highlights the finding of a Housing LIN survey, and draws out some of the implications for commissioners, developers, funders and providers of extra care housing.