Planning Ahead: The family conversation
A report based on research designed to learn more about if and how families discuss and plan ahead for later life and the extent to which knowledge and decisions are shared between the generations.
A practical guide to Community Legal Service funding
The guide explains how the Legal Services Commission funds civil legal services. It is for people seeking help on legal matters as well as those who can put others seeking legal help in tough with a solicitor or legal adviser. It explains the different le
A Step-by-Step Guide to Chossing a Legal Adviser
This guide helps you through the steps of finding the right legal adviser, and has a tear-off page of checklists for you to take with you when you see an adviser
No-win, No-fee Actions: And other ways to help pay for legal action
Information about the cost of taking legal action, other options, and what “no-win, no-fee” means
Getting legal and financial advice (Factsheet 43)
This factsheet helps you to get the legal help you need, including legal information and advice on civil matters (where you have a dispute with another individual or organisation). It does not cover criminal matters. It covers free advice from local an
Legal Arrangements for Managing Financial Affairs
A guide to legal arrangments such as power of Attorney, appointees, trusts etc. It briefly outlines the various methods of administration available and the procedures involved
Making a Will (Factsheet 7)
This factsheet explains what you should think about before making your will; how to decide whether to use a solicitor; and how to make sure that the will is effective and your wishes are carried out. It includes information about choosing executors, fi
Noise and Neighbour Nuisance – What You Can Do
information about how to deal with noise or nuisance from neighbours; looks at both informal and legal action for resolving problems.