Achieving mobility in the intermediate housing market: moving up and moving on?

Shared ownership is the most common form of subsidised access to home-ownership, and is commonly viewed as a ‘stepping stone’ to owning a home in full. But to what extent does this actually happen? How are shared owners able to ‘move on’ once their housin


Inrtermediate Care Services within Extra Care Sheltered Housing in Maidenhead

Housing LIN Case Study no 14. Example of an integrated intermediate care service providing short term, intensive support and assistance combined with the facilities and services offered by extra care housing


An Introduction to Extra Care Housing and Intermediate Care

This provides an introduction to Extra Care Housing and links with the development, implementation and delivery of Intermediate Care. Factsheet 11


Hospital stays

This factsheet covers what should happen before, during and after your hospital stay, and how you can prepare for it. Information about processes and your rights refers to NHS hospitals, unless otherwise stated.


NHS continuing healthcare and NHS funded nursing care (Factsheet 20)

This factsheet explains what NHS continuing healthcare (NHS CHC) is, the process for deciding whether you are eligible to receive it and what to do if you are unhappy with the decision reached. It also explains NHS-funded nursing care – the NHS’s financia