Unlocking the housing market: Helping first time buyers by helping later life buyers

We carried out focus groups with middle-aged and older people to test a variety of policy ideas and developed a support package we consider to have the most impact. This helps older people move into retirement developments and boost their local visibility


Choosing and Paying for a Care Home

Moving to live in a care home is probably more complicated than any other home move, yet is often arranged at a time of crisis. This Guide aims to help you stay in control of events, understand what care homes are, consider alternatives, make your own dec


Dignity in Housing

This report and accompanying checklist takes a detailed look at policy and practice in relation to achieving dignity in a housing setting


Age Equality in Housing

This is a guide to tackling age discrimination for housing providers, commissioners, planners and builders. It includes advice on how to recognise age discrimination, how to take action, and what information and help is available.


An introduction to Ageing in Rural Areas and Extra Care Housing

Introduction to the issues facing Extra Care Housing in rural communities. It highlights the ageing of rural populations and the pressures this places on commissioners of housing with care for older people. Facthseet 12


Care Services Inquiry Interim Report : concerns about care for older Londoners

This is an interim report of a research study looking into public concerns about the availability, quality, and appropriateness of care services for London’s diverse older population


What to do after a death in Scotland: social security supplement

A guide about the financial aspects of death, benefits and help available


What to do in the case of death (in Spain)

Basic information on what to do in the event of a death in Spain, because the arrangements differ from those in the UK


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