More than just a few kind words!

A guide, including best practice examples, to involving and consulting residents around the design and review of service delivery arrangements.


A Better Life: Alternative approaches from the perspective of families and carers of older people with high support needs

Draws on case studies from Counsel and Care’s advice service to highlight issues raised by carers of older people with high support needs. Explore how residential care and extra care housing could be improved


A better life for older people with high support needs in housing with care

What needs to change so that older people with high support needs can have a better life with care


Housing and care options for older people

An introduction to services that can help older people live more comfortably or independently at home, and the options available to those who decide to move in later life. It is written for older people who rent their current homes as well as those who ar


The Future Home Improvement Agency: Supporting choice and maintaining independence – A report overview

Gives an overview of the key findings of the Future HIA project carried out by Foundations on behalf of Communities and Local Government (CLG). The Future HIA project aimed to set out a broad agenda for the evolution of the HIA sector to its next level. I


Accommodation options for older people who have dementia (FS16)

There is an increasing range of options available for the accommodation and care of people who have dementia. Some people with dementia are now being diagnosed at an early stage when they remain relatively able and can make their own decisions. Early di


More Choice, Greater Voice

This document provides a toolkit for undertaking work that will support a whole system approach to planning and developing accommodation and care. It is good practice rather than mandatory and has been prepared specifically to accompany the government’s


Whose Market? Understanding the demand for extra care housing: a strategic approach

This report highlights the finding of a Housing LIN survey, and draws out some of the implications for commissioners, developers, funders and providers of extra care housing.


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