Housing Benefit (Factsheet 17)

This factsheet explains what Housing Benefit is, who qualifies for it, and how it is calculated. It explains how to claim and what to do if you want to challenge a decision. It has information about Discretionary Housing Payments and what to do if you hav


What Can You Claim?

Information about Housing Benefit and other benefits to which people aged 60 and over may be entitled.


Looking for Rented Housing

Information for those considering moving into rented accommodation. Discusses subjects such as applying for council and housing association housing, private renting, sheltered housing, extra care sheltered housing, and housing for disabled people.


Leasehold Retirement Housing – Your rights and remedies

This guide is for older people living in retirement housing schemes who are leaseholders of their property. It is intended to provide a guide to the various procedures available to remedy problems with the management of the scheme. It also provides inform


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