Refurbishing or remodelling sheltered housing ; a checklist for developing extra care.

A framwork in decision making for the development of extra care housing from ordinary sheltered housing. Factsheet 10


An Introduction to Extra Care Housing and Intermediate Care

This provides an introduction to Extra Care Housing and links with the development, implementation and delivery of Intermediate Care. Factsheet 11


User involvement in extra care housing

The role of the user in the development and management of schemes; policy, regulatory, and best vakue drivers for user involvement; different forms that user involvement can take in extra care. Factsheet 8


Sheltered Housing & the Resettlement of Older Homeless People.

Briefing paper on a report produced for Help the Aged/HACT. It aims to stimulate debate about good practice, and is based on research that involved a survey of staff working at 21 English Churches Housing Group’s 21 sheltered schemes in the NE of England.


Future Housing for Older People

Report on research that identifies potential catalysts that may trigger a move in the future, as attitudes change with increasing aspirations and expectations for choice.


Ageing & Ethnicity : BME Elders Housing Needs

Presentation given to a meeting of the Housing LIN, about the housing needs of the rising BME elderly population


The Challenges of Providing Extra Care Housing to People with Dementia

“Viewpoint” publication by the Housing LIN, adapted from a presentation given by Sue Garwood of Hanover HA in July 2004. It examines the feasibility of Extra Care housing being able to provide a service to people with dementia, and provides a checklist fo


Research Findings: What makes older people choose residential care and are there alternatives?

Summary of some of the results of an interview of older people recently admitted into residential care, which aimed to estimate how many might have been able to take advantage of Extra Care Housing as an alternative. In over three quarters of cases, the d


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