Health & Housing Glossary

A glossary of health and housing terminology


Quality & Choice for Older People’s Housing – Strategic Framework

A framework for future of housing services of older people, setting out 5 key areas. Good information and advice should be available, and services must work jointly to meet the holistic needs of older people. Services should take account of diversity and


Quality & Choice for Older People’s Housing: A Strategic Framework: Summary

Summary of joint DETR/DoH publication, which focusses on the need to address 5 key areas I.e. Diversity & Choice, Information & Advice, Flexible service provision, Quality, and Joint Working


Property Law Reform & Retirement Housing

An overview of Scottish legislation, i.e. Abolition of the Feudal tenure (Scotland) Act 2000, The Title Conditions (Scotland) Act 2003, & The Tenements (Scotland) Act 2004 effective on 28th November 2004, and how this might affect owners of retirement hou


Housing LIN

This is the part of the Department of Health’s Integrated Care Network website that focuses on the work of the Extra Care Housing LIN (Learning and Improvement Network). It offers a broad collection of factsheets, case studies and good practice examples


A charter for housing association applicants and residents

This sets out what applicants and residents can expect from their housing association landlords, and what to do if the housing association doesn’t appear to be honoring the Charter. It applies to applicants, tenants, leaseholders, shared owners or license


Eco Housing: Taking Extra Care with environmentally friendly design

This summarises the current policy & legislative context for “green” and “intelligent” housing. It presents examples of extra care and general needs housing developments incorporating such technology, and looks at possible future directions. It also inclu


Supporting People with Dementia in Extra Care Housing: an introduction to the issues

An overview of developing and managing Extra Care Housing for people with dementia. It accompanies a video on Extra Care Housing & Dementia, available from the Housing LIN. Factsheet 14


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