Housing Options Advice for Older People: a self-training kit for advisers
This toolkit provides a broad overview of the housing options in older age. It aims to help generalist advisers, or anyone who works with older people, to develop their knowledge and understanding of housing options for older people.
Delivering Housing for an Ageing Population: informing housing strategies and housing policies
This guide is intended for housing commissioners and providers, and examines what type of housing is needed for an ageing population
AT HOME Audit Tool for Housing & Related Services for Older Minority Ethnic People
This toolkit has been designed to help ensure that housing and related services take account of the needs of black and minority ethnic (BME) elders. It will be particularly useful to service commisssioners and providers as well as older people from BME gr
Age Equality in Housing
This is a guide to tackling age discrimination for housing providers, commissioners, planners and builders. It includes advice on how to recognise age discrimination, how to take action, and what information and help is available.
Older People’s Housing Strategies: Key Policy Drivers
This examines the relationship between the housing agenda and the agenda for older age. It explores the ways in which any gaps at national level are affecting and influencing regional strategies and local policies and implementation. It is intended for us
Kent Health & Affordable Warmth Strategy
Housing LIN case study no 8 – an example of how a Health and Affordable Warmth Strategy came about following an addition to the Home Energy Conservation Act
Supporting People with Dementia in Sheltered Housing
The experience of a Dementia Services Advisor working for Housing 21. Case study 9
Futurecare@home: A collection of papers for the Housing LIN
A collection of papers for the Housing LIN by Nigel Appleton, Peter Colebrook, Dr Ian Donald, Alan Kell, Moyra Riseborough, Georgina and John Truscott, edited by Jeremy Porteus