Spotlight: UK Senior Living – The Inflection Point
Over the past decade, Integrated Retirement Communities have become the UK’s predominant form of senior living provision. But delivery remains low. This report charts the state of the market from both investor and consumer perspectives.
Warm and Well
You probably already know quite a lot about staying warm in your home and how to cope with a Scottish winter; this guide aims to give information about ideas and options you may not have come across before to help you manage even better in the winter to c
Accommodation options for older people who have dementia (FS16)
There is an increasing range of options available for the accommodation and care of people who have dementia. Some people with dementia are now being diagnosed at an early stage when they remain relatively able and can make their own decisions. Early di
Social Care – Choosing the Right Service for You
Advice and information for people who need care, their families and carers. It includes financial aspects and role of local authorities in undertaking assessments of need.
A fair contract with older people? A special study of peoples experiences when finding a care home
A study looking at whether older people and family carers get the right information, advice and support they need regarding finding & moving into a care home. Results show self-funders often lack this, people’s choice of home can be limited, there is no
Telecare Implementation Guide
A practical resource for commissioners and organisations considering development of telecare services
Impact of low fees for care homes in the UK
Results of a postal survey carried out in January and February 2004 by Jane Ball, and commissioned by the RCN. The survey was addressed to nurses who at that time were working in a care home setting, and it primarily sought responses on residents funding