Identifying & Targeting Vulnerable Groups

Good practice guide for Home Improvement Agencies about identifying and targeting vulnerable groups. It identifies good practice in identifying people who can face additional barriers to accessing services, and ways to target them.


Risk Assessment & Risk Management

Good practice guide for home improvement agencies on risk assessment and management


Peace of Mind Whilst you are away

Advice on making your home and belongings secure whilst you are away


Improving Lives, Improving Life: A Summary

Summary of research findings of a study launched & sponsored by ECCA and P&G Professional who commissioned Laing & Buisson to conduct interviews with representatives of long term care providers in England, analyse the data & produce the report. This summa


Improving Lives, Improving Life. The findings of a study on the key strategic issues facing the long term care for older people sector

As title. The report is based on a study launched by ECCA, & sponsored by P&G Proessional, who commissioned Laing & Buisson to conduct interviews of representatives of long term care providers, analyse the results & produce the report. The main findings s


Paying for long-term care

Explains what long-term care means, how the state might help, and how financial products can be used to help pay for care.


Community Care : your legal rights

Information for people who are finding it difficult to manage daily living due to care needs. It explains the rights to care, and covers care at home. Moving to a care home or nursing home, and what to do if there is a problem getting the care that is nee


Fair terms for care

A guide to unfair terms in privately funded care home contracts, to enable someone to decide whether the terms of their care home contract is fair. It explains what a contract should include, and what sort of unfair terms may be within the detail


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