The Whole of Me.. Meeting the needs of older lesbians, gay men and bisexuals living in care homes and extra care housing

This publication is primarily aimed at professionals working in care homes and extra care housing. It explains how to recognise and respond to everyones’s needs, and sets out clearly the type of support that lesbians, gay men and bisexual people may need.


Kent Health & Affordable Warmth Strategy

Housing LIN case study no 8 – an example of how a Health and Affordable Warmth Strategy came about following an addition to the Home Energy Conservation Act


Small things matter – the key role of handyperson services

This report examines the current provision of small repairs and minor adaptations services being provided by the main older people’s voluntary and community sector organisations in England and highlights options for future service development. It is ai


The home buyers & sellers guide to the Home Information Pack

An explanation of the government’s proposal to introduce a mandatory Home Information Pack, which will require all sellers of residential accommodation (except commercial) to have a set of documents to provide buyers and sellers with key information about


Safety in the home

Advice and information for carers of people with dementia about how best to tackle safety in the home. It covers falls, medicines, smoking, drinking, cooking, bathing, fires, driving etc


A guide to home security

A guide to precautions that people can make to their home in order to minimise the risk of burglary.


Your right to buy your home

Information for council and housing association tenants about their right to purchase their home. This includes eligibility criteria, costs involved, and exceptions to the right to buy.


Calculating operating costs for care homes

Summary of research by William Laing (Laing & Buisson) who devised a means of calculating the reasonable operating costs of efficient care homes for older people. The reesarch is intended to offer a guide to all parties involved in negotiating baseline fe


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