Guide to Procuring Care and Support Services
Guide designed to help non-procurement professionals who need to procure (or pruchase) services for older people who need care and support. It is particularly relevant for local authority staff and for other public bodies.
The home buyers & sellers guide to the Home Information Pack
An explanation of the government’s proposal to introduce a mandatory Home Information Pack, which will require all sellers of residential accommodation (except commercial) to have a set of documents to provide buyers and sellers with key information about
Resident Participation in Health & Social Care Provision
Report of a workshop held to discuss how the residents of sheltered housing might have a greater say in the type and level of support and care available within their scheme and the manner of its provision. 3 case studies plus the key areas of good practic
Resident v. Non-Resident Scheme Managers, Managing a Change
Report of a day workshop held by and for practicioners looking at good practice where the nature, scope and delivery of warden and management services to residents is planned to change and how ‘best’ to implement that change.
Good Neighbour or Professional: The grey areas in the Scheme Managers role
Report of a day workshop held by and for professionals examining the ‘grey areas’ in the job roles of scheme managers of sheltered housing as experienced by themselves, and a suggested Guide for Good Practice.
Information & Communication Technology and Residents of Sheltered Housing
A report of a day workshop held by and for practicioners to examine how sheltered housing can offer a stimulating environment wherein ICT may be introduced to older people. The Report gives brief outlines of 6 case study projects presented to the worksho
Extra Care Strategic Developments in East Sussex – Housing LIN Case Study no.2
Some of the key issues involved in partnership-based strategic planning for extra care in East Sussex. A small conversion from sheltered housing and a larger new scheme catering for a range of use. Different management models are briefly discussed.