Disability Living Allowance (DLA) for a Person Aged 16 or Over

If you have a severe physical or mental illness or disability and need help for more than 6 months you may be able to claim a Disability Living Allowance (DLA). These webpages describe what the DLA is, how to find out if you are eligible and how you can


Contact the Elderly

Contact the Elderly groups organise gatherings for frail, elderly people who live alone. One Sunday afternoon a month, volunteer drivers take elderly people on regular visits to hosts’ homes. Groups of between ten and sixteen people visit a different ho


Water Metering: Your New Rights

From 1 April 2000 you have new rights over how you are charged for water for your home. These webpages tell you what your new rights are, how they have changed, and how they might benefit you.


United Kingdom Homecare Association (UKHCA)

UKHCA members represent a wide cross section of homecare providers – from small businesses to large organisations encompassing the statutory sector, private, not for profit, voluntary and charitable concerns. Their website provides information for homeca


Your Guide to Winter Fuel Payments 2006-07

A guide to the government payments to help with the costs of keeping warm in winter. It includes information about other age related payments


Water Metering: Help for People Receiving Benefits or Tax Credits

Many households benefit from having a water meter. These webpages explain how the system works and what the new provisions are. They will also help you to decide if your household may be eligible for assistance with metered water bills.


Royal Voluntary Service (RVS)

RVS provides a variety of services to older people, including meals on wheels, community transport and books on wheels. They also run day centres and social clubs.


The Cinnamon Trust

The Cinnamon Trust provides practical help on day-to-day care of pets and fostering and long term care for pets whose owners have moved to residential accommodation. They have a national register of care homes and sheltered housing schemes that will acce


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